James Hollingsworth, SCKMEA President

The South-Central District will start the 2024-2025 school year with a Kick-off event at Augusta High School on August 24th. Attendees will hear updates about the many activities and opportunities sponsored by KMEA and SCKMEA. Breakout sessions will allow band/jazz, choir, orchestra, and general music teachers to discuss items pertinent to their particular areas. Following these meetings, the SCKMEA Board will gather to make plans for upcoming events.

On October 19th, the SCKMEA Elementary Choir Concert and Clinic will be held at Douglass High School. The Honor Choir will be directed by Markel Porter, who is a fantastic teacher from the Coffeyville area. 

November 9th is the date for live high school auditions, as well as the rehearsals and performances of the High School Jazz Bands, Middle School Honor Band, and Middle School Honor Choir. Goddard High School will host all of these events under the same roof. Our conductors will be Dan Gailey, 1234A Jazz Band; Jeff Kidwell, 56A Jazz Band; Marie Watkins, MS Honor Band; and Brad Matthew Schwan, MS Honor Choir.

The SCKMEA Mini-Convention will held at Maize High School and Maize South High School on Saturday, December 7th. We will have a general meeting and lunch at Maize High School. Conductors for the high school honor ensembles will be Brad Vogel, Treble Choir; Terry Crull, Mixed Choir; Emily Rossin, 1234A Band; Eric Stambaugh, 56A Band; and Wesley Despain, Orchestra. 

SCKMEA awards four awards every year for Outstanding Elementary Teacher, Outstanding Middle School Teacher, Outstanding High School Teacher, and Outstanding Administrator.  If you know a deserving teacher, director, or administrator, please email my at to nominate them for this wonderful honor.

The SCKMEA officers and board are committed to doing their best to serve the music students and teachers of South-Central Kansas. 

Stay tuned! 

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